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Photonics West 2011: Presentations related to LiNbO3
Low-threshold, quasi-cw terahertz parametric amplification in an external
ring cavity with an MgO:LiNbO3 Crystal
Paper 7917-61 of Conference 7917
Date: Tuesday, 25 January 2011
Time: 6:00 PM
Author(s): Shingo Maeda, Tatsuya Ohira, Yuma Takida, Hiroshi Kumagai, Shigeki
Nashima, Osaka City Univ. (Japan)
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We developed a terahertz parametric amplifier with an MgO-doped LiNbO3 (MgO: LN)
nonlinear crystal in an external ring cavity with the enhancement of pump power.
Moreover, the generated idler light was recycled by 2 additional flat mirrors so
as to provide a contribution to parametric amplification. As a result, we
obtained terahertz wave radiation at high-repetition of 80MHz. We additionally
examined seed injection, which seed was provided a continuous-wave diode laser
along the generated idler. In this presentation, we will show you the seed
injection experimental results together with the effect of terahertz parametric
Hybrid Si-LiNbO3 micro-ring resonators for active microphotonic devices
Paper 7934-18 of Conference 7934
Date: Wednesday, 26 January 2011
Time: 10:10 AM 10:30 AM
Author(s): Yoo Seung Lee, The Univ. of Southern California (United States);
Gun-Duk Kim, Kwangwoon Univ. (Korea, Republic of); Sang-Shin Lee, Kwangwoon
Univ. (Korea, Republic of) and The Univ. of Southern California (United States);
Wan-Gyu Lee, National Nanofab Ctr. (Korea, Republic of); William H. Steier, The
Univ. of Southern California (United States)
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A hybrid structure of LiNbO3 micro-platelet and Si micro-ring resonator has been
fabricated. Free standing single crystal LiNbO3 micro-platens (mm long and 1 um
thick) have been obtained by ion slicing. Their properties have been
investigated by FESEM, XRD and AFM. Then, they were transferred, positioned and
bonded to Si micro-ring structure. Theoretical calculation showed that a
considerable effective index change of the Si waveguide could be achieved by the
electro-optic effect in the LiNbO3 cladding layer. This is a promising approach
to integrating a very good EO and NLO material into the SOI technology.
Influence of UV illumination on the cold temperature performance of a LiNbO3
Q-switched Nd:YAG laser
Paper 7912-76 of Conference 7912
Date: Tuesday, 25 January 2011
Time: 6:00 PM
Author(s): Brian J. Cole, Vernon King, Jeffrey Leach, Lew Goldberg, U.S. Army
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This paper will describe a technique based on UV illumination as a means to
compensate pyrocharges accumulated on the end face of a LiNbO3 Q-switch that are
associated with cold temperature operation and/or a rapid change in temperature.
This method uses commercially available low cost UV LEDs that flood illuminate
the LiNbO3 from the side. A LiNbO3 actively Q-switched Nd:YAG laser was
evaluated over temperature and shown to have robust performance with rapid
temperature cycling to cold temperatures (to negative 20C) in the presence of UV
illumination, without evidence of pre-lasing that was otherwise observed with no
UV illumination of the LiNbO3.
Parametric generation of terahertz wave pumped by picosecond Ti:sapphire laser
with MgO-doped LiNbO3 installed in external enhancement cavity
Paper 7917-14 of Conference 7917
Date: Tuesday, 25 January 2011
Time: 11:40 AM 12:00 PM
Author(s): Yuma Takida, Shingo Maeda, Tatsuya Ohira, Hiroshi Kumagai, Shigeki
Nashima, Osaka City Univ. (Japan)
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We built an external enhancement cavity with MgO-doped LiNbO3 (MgO:LN) and then
enhanced the pump light in the cavity. Considering that the idler light
generated in MgO:LN with the different angle of about 1 degree to the pumping
light, we designed carefully the cavity in order to circulating the idler light
as well as pump light simultaneously. In the cavity, the circulated idler light
could contribute to the terahertz parametric generation induced by the next
pumping pulse. As a result, when the idler light circulating the cavity, we
demonstrated a clear enhancement of the idler intensity.
Accelerated binding kinetics by surface acoustic waves (SAW) micromixing in
surface plasmon resonance (SPR) system for biodetection
Paper 7929-19 of Conference 7929
Date: Tuesday, 25 January 2011
Time: 11:10 AM 11:30 AM
Author(s): Alan Renaudin, Vincent Chabot, Etienne Grondin, Vincent Aimez, Paul
G. Charette, Univ. de Sherbrooke (Canada)
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A design incorporating surface plasmon resonance (SPR) biosensing and surface
acoustic wave (SAW) active microfluidic mixing, integrated on a single LiNbO3
piezoelectric substrate, is presented. Validation experiments show that
SAW-mixing (microstreaming) results in accelerated binding kinetics
(time-to-saturation) for a standard assay with appropriate SAW excitation
parameters. Since both SPR sensors and SAW transducers can be fabricated
simultaneously using low-cost microfabrication methods, the proposed design
should contribute to improved lab-on-chip devices for detecting and identifying
biomolecules of interest with greater accuracy and speed across multiple
Coherent optical component technologies for WDM transmission systems
Paper 7959-7 of Conference 7959
Date: Wednesday, 26 January 2011
Time: 8:00 AM 8:30 AM
Author(s): Shinji Mino, Koichi Murata, Takashi Saida, Ikuo Ogawa, NTT Photonics
Labs. (Japan)
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Our recent progress toward 100 Gbps and beyond is reviewed, focusing on
integrated optical devices. Topics include our recently developed integrated
optical receiver front-ends for 100Gbps PDM-QPSK based on multi-channel micro
collimator optics and hermetically sealed O/E converters, and PLC-LiNbO3 hybrid
optical modulators for 100Gbps PDM-QPSK. We also show our recent activities
toward beyond 100 Gbps, including 64 QAM modulators, modulation-level-selectable
modulators, and high-speed digital-analog convertor ICs for future multi-level
Coherent optical component technologies for WDM transmission systems
Paper 7958-7 of Conference 7958
Date: Wednesday, 26 January 2011
Time: 8:00 AM 8:30 AM
Author(s): Shinji Mino, Koichi Murata, Takashi Saida, Ikuo Ogawa, NTT Photonics
Labs. (Japan)
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Our recent progress toward 100 Gbps and beyond is reviewed, focusing on
integrated optical devices. Topics include our recently developed integrated
optical receiver front-ends for 100Gbps PDM-QPSK based on multi-channel micro
collimator optics and hermetically sealed O/E converters, and PLC-LiNbO3 hybrid
optical modulators for 100Gbps PDM-QPSK. We also show our recent activities
toward beyond 100 Gbps, including 64 QAM modulators, modulation-level-selectable
modulators, and high-speed digital-analog convertor ICs for future multi-level
Coherent optical component technologies for WDM transmission systems
Paper 7960-7 of Conference 7960
Date: Wednesday, 26 January 2011
Time: 8:00 AM 8:30 AM
Author(s): Shinji Mino, Koichi Murata, Takashi Saida, Ikuo Ogawa, NTT Photonics
Labs. (Japan)
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Our recent progress toward 100 Gbps and beyond is reviewed, focusing on
integrated optical devices. Topics include our recently developed integrated
optical receiver front-ends for 100Gbps PDM-QPSK based on multi-channel micro
collimator optics and hermetically sealed O/E converters, and PLC-LiNbO3 hybrid
optical modulators for 100Gbps PDM-QPSK. We also show our recent activities
toward beyond 100 Gbps, including 64 QAM modulators, modulation-level-selectable
modulators, and high-speed digital-analog convertor ICs for future multi-level
Ultrafast laser fabrication of 3D photonic structures in rare-earth doped
glasses and nonlinear optical materials
Paper 7921-14 of Conference 7921
Date: Thursday, 27 January 2011
Time: 8:20 AM 8:50 AM
Author(s): Kevin P. Chen, Univ. of Pittsburgh (United States)
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In this paper, we present research results on ultrafast laser fabrication of
complex multi-layer optical structures in active glass and nonlinear optical
materials. Multi-layer 4×4 lightwave circuits were fabricated in silica glass
for inter-chip optical interconnect; ring oscillators were fabricated in Nd:YAG
ceramic materials for on-chip waveguide laser; and o-ring resonators were laser
written in LiNbO3 nonlinear crystals for all-optical optical switching.
Wavelength and time-multiplexed multi-channel lidar transmitter for topographic
mapping mission
Paper 7912-2 of Conference 7912
Date: Sunday, 23 January 2011
Time: 2:30 PM 2:50 PM
Author(s): Youming Chen, Frank Kimpel, Jean-Luc Fouron, Shantanu Gupta,
Fibertek, Inc. (United States); Jeffrey R. Chen, NASA Goddard Space Flight Ctr.
(United States)
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We demonstrate an innovative architecture for a nsec pulsed lidar transmitter,
scalable to large channel counts, via wavelength- and time-multiplexing in a
multi-stage Yb-fiber amplifier. This technology enables lidar systems for
topographic mapping missions, requiring much greater spatial coverage and range
resolution. We demonstrate prototype hardware, where seed lasers at 1060nm,
1061nm and 1064nm are multiplexed, and 1.3nsec pulse is carved out using LiNbO3
EO-modulators, at repetition rate of 333.3kHz, with equal time interleaving
between wavelengths. The multiplexed pulses are amplified to >20W average power,
in an optimized 3-stage Yb-fiber amplifier system. We show simple demultiplexing
and frequency-doubling of one of the wavelengths (1064nm). High-speed FPGA based
control provides for independent and programmable control of the pulse rate,
timing trigger, pulsewidth, and the intra-pulse-pattern for improved detection
Multistage phased electro-optical planar arrays for the manipulation of high
power laser beams
Paper 7913-13 of Conference 7913
Date: Sunday, 23 January 2011
Time: 2:50 PM 3:10 PM
Author(s): Mikhail M. Ivanenko, Alexei Krasnaberski, Alexei S. Mikhailov, Yuri
V. Miklyaev, Lutz Aschke, Vitaly N. Lissotschenko, LIMO Lissotschenko Mikrooptik
GmbH (Germany)
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A new type of low-voltage planar electro-optical (EO) devices for powerful
lasers is described. Results for beam deflection with EO active 0.032x10x26 mm3
MgO:LiNbO3 LIMO waveguides are presented. Depending on the shape and arrangement
of the control electrodes the waveguide can perform beam modulation or
deflection, or acts as a phased EO array. Low control voltage (half-wave voltage
5 V) is a huge advantage of such components. The use of the multimode planar
waveguides for this application is possible, while at certain geometrical
conditions an entrance light filed is exactly reproduced at the exit (analog of
classical Talbot effect, will be discussed).
1 W at 531 nm generated in a ppMgO:LN planar waveguide by means of frequency
doubling of a DBR tapered diode laser
Paper 7917-2 of Conference 7917
Date: Monday, 24 January 2011
Time: 2:00 PM 2:20 PM
Author(s): Daniel Jedrzejczyk, Reiner Güther, Katrin Paschke, Götz Erbert,
Ferdinand-Braun-Institut (Germany)
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In this work, we investigated experimentally frequency doubling of DBR tapered
diode laser radiation in a periodically poled MgO doped LiNbO3 planar waveguide.
The laser emitted nearly diffraction limited, spectrally single-mode CW
radiation at 1063 nm. With the applied lens system in a bench-top experiment a
coupling efficiency into the planar waveguide of 73 % was reached. A maximal SH
power of 1.07 W was generated at an optical and electro-optical conversion
efficiency of 26 % and 8.4 %, respectively. Furthermore, the influence of the
near-infrared power and of the crystal temperature on the second-harmonic power
was investigated.
1 W at 531 nm generated in a ppMgO:LN planar waveguide by means of frequency
doubling of a DBR tapered diode laser
Paper 7912-2 of Conference 7912
Date: Monday, 24 January 2011
Time: 2:00 PM 2:20 PM
Author(s): Daniel Jedrzejczyk, Reiner Güther, Katrin Paschke, Götz Erbert,
Ferdinand-Braun-Institut (Germany)
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In this work, we investigated experimentally frequency doubling of DBR tapered
diode laser radiation in a periodically poled MgO doped LiNbO3 planar waveguide.
The laser emitted nearly diffraction limited, spectrally single-mode CW
radiation at 1063 nm. With the applied lens system in a bench-top experiment a
coupling efficiency into the planar waveguide of 73 % was reached. A maximal SH
power of 1.07 W was generated at an optical and electro-optical conversion
efficiency of 26 % and 8.4 %, respectively. Furthermore, the influence of the
near-infrared power and of the crystal temperature on the second-harmonic power
was investigated.
High-power (1.1W) green (532nm) laser source based on single-pass second
harmonic generation on a compact micro-optical bench
Paper 7912-3 of Conference 7912
Date: Monday, 24 January 2011
Time: 2:20 PM 2:40 PM
Author(s): Peter Q. Liu, Princeton Univ. (United States) and
Ferdinand-Braun-Institut (Germany); Christian Fiebig, Mirko Uebernickel, Gunnar
Blume, David Feise, Alexander Sahm, Daniel Jedrzejczyk, Katrin Paschke, Goetz
Erbert, Ferdinand-Braun-Institut (Germany)
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We demonstrate a high-power, compact green laser module emitting at 532 nm based
on single-pass second harmonic generation. The pumping source is a distributed
Bragg reflector tapered diode laser. The frequency conversion is performed with
a 2.5 cm long periodically poled MgO:LiNbO3 crystal. The whole system is
integrated on a highly compact micro-optical bench. 1.1 W green light was
generated at ~7.6 W pump power, resulting in an optical conversion efficiency of
nearly 15% and a wall-plug efficiency of 4.3%. The green laser beam shows a
relatively good beam quality of M²σ=1.8 in vertical and M²σ=4.9 in lateral
direction, respectively.
High-power (1.1W) green (532nm) laser source based on single-pass second
harmonic generation on a compact micro-optical bench
Paper 7917-3 of Conference 7917
Date: Monday, 24 January 2011
Time: 2:20 PM 2:40 PM
Author(s): Peter Q. Liu, Princeton Univ. (United States) and
Ferdinand-Braun-Institut (Germany); Christian Fiebig, Mirko Uebernickel, Gunnar
Blume, David Feise, Alexander Sahm, Daniel Jedrzejczyk, Katrin Paschke, Goetz
Erbert, Ferdinand-Braun-Institut (Germany)
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We demonstrate a high-power, compact green laser module emitting at 532 nm based
on single-pass second harmonic generation. The pumping source is a distributed
Bragg reflector tapered diode laser. The frequency conversion is performed with
a 2.5 cm long periodically poled MgO:LiNbO3 crystal. The whole system is
integrated on a highly compact micro-optical bench. 1.1 W green light was
generated at ~7.6 W pump power, resulting in an optical conversion efficiency of
nearly 15% and a wall-plug efficiency of 4.3%. The green laser beam shows a
relatively good beam quality of M²σ=1.8 in vertical and M²σ=4.9 in lateral
direction, respectively.
Thermal optimization of the second harmonic generation with tapered diode lasers
Paper 7917-7 of Conference 7917
Date: Tuesday, 25 January 2011
Time: 8:40 AM 9:00 AM
Author(s): Alexander Sahm, Mirko Uebernickel, Katrin Paschke, Götz Erbert,
Günther Tränkle, Ferdinand-Braun-Institut (Germany)
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Recently, hybrid integrated compact laser sources with high optical output power
in the visible range around 488 nm were demonstrated using tapered diode lasers
and a single pass second harmonic generation using periodically poled LiNbO3.
The maximum conversion efficiency of a given beam is theoretically achieved by a
homogenous temperature distribution. In this paper we present a method for the
optimization of the temperature management during the SHG which is necessary due
to absorption effects. For a given pump power of 4 W we were able to increase
the SHG output power of more than 20%.
Terahertz generation with tilted-front laser pulses: dynamical theory
Paper 7917-18 of Conference 7917
Date: Tuesday, 25 January 2011
Time: 2:40 PM 3:00 PM
Author(s): Michael I. Bakunov, Univ. of Nizhny Novgorod (Russian Federation);
Sergey B. Bodrov, Institute of Applied Physics (Russian Federation); Eugene
Mashkovich, Univ. of Nizhny Novgorod (Russian Federation)
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A theory of terahertz emission from a femtosecond laser pulse with tilted
intensity front propagating through a prism-shaped electro-optic crystal is
developed. The theory accounts for transient effects at the entrance boundary of
the crystal and allows one to explore the dynamics of terahertz generation in
the crystal. Typical experimental situations - LiNbO3 excited with Ti:sapphire
laser at room and cryogenic temperatures - are considered, and new schemes -
GaAs excited at 1.8 and 3.5 um - are proposed and analyzed. The parameters of
the laser pulse (transverse size, tilt angle, and pulse duration) and crystal
size maximizing the terahertz yield are calculated.
A novel wireless love wave biosensor platform for multi-functional detection
Paper 7928-23 of Conference 7928
Date: Tuesday, 25 January 2011
Time: 6:00 PM
Author(s): Taehyeon Song, Kee-Keun Lee, Ajou Univ. (Korea, Republic of)
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We presented a novel wireless Love wave biosensor platform for multi-functional
detection using polyimide and DNP receptor layer on 41o YX LiNbO3 piezoelectric
substrate for anti-DNP detection. Based on the theoretical modeling, the
wireless Love wave biosensor composed of IDTs and reflectors was fabricated as
elements of the sensor. The fabricated devices were wirelessly characterized
using network analyzer. The resultant reflection peaks exhibited large
signal/noise ratio, sharp peaks, and a few spurious peaks owing to the mass
loading effect. Excellent linearity, reproducibility, and high sensitivity were
observed in the anti-DNP concentration range of 0 ~ 0.10mg/ml.
A study on fabrication of BaMgF4 thin film toward frequency-conversion device in
UV/VUV region
Paper 7917-62 of Conference 7917
Date: Tuesday, 25 January 2011
Time: 6:00 PM
Author(s): Hiroya Matsukawa, Takaya Shimono, Nobuyuki Hirano, Hiroshi Kumagai,
Osaka City Univ. (Japan)
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BaMgF4 is a ferroelectric fluoride which is transparent in the wavelength region
from 125 nm to 1300 nm. The BaMgF4 is attractive ferroelectric crystal because
it can be used as a quasi phase matching (QPM) device such as LiNbO3 or LiTaO3.
In this study, we have purpose to fabricate BaMgF4 hetero-epitaxial thin films
toward frequency-conversion devices. The optical-grade BaMgF4 single crystal has
been fabricated by Bridgman method. Rather, we focus on fabrication of BaMgF4
thin films by the precise and careful method of ion beam sputtering. It will be
possible to fabricate also its waveguide structure under the vacuum-consistent
The interference effect of the Rayleigh and shear-horizontal waves for a SAW
Paper 7928-22 of Conference 7928
Date: Tuesday, 25 January 2011
Time: 6:00 PM
Author(s): Hyungkeun Lee, Haekwan Oh, Kee-Keun Lee, Sang Sik Yang, Ajou Univ.
(Korea, Republic of)
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The interference effect of two intersecting surface acoustic waves (SAW) has
been utilized in a SAW gyroscope. This paper characterizes the interference
effect of Rayleigh wave propagating in x-direction and shear-horizontal(SH) wave
propagating in y-direction on a piezoelectric substrate. We fabricated a device
to investigate the interference effect on 128° YX LiNbO3 wafer. It consists of
two interdigital transducers (IDTs) to transmit and receive the Rayleigh wave
and another perpendicular IDT to transmit an interfering SH wave. The test
result of the device using network analyzer shows that the velocity of the
Rayleigh wave is reduced by the interference of SH wave and the frequency
response is shifted.
Del Mar Photonics - Samples for presentation during Optics and Photonics 2008
LiNbO3 wafers from stock
LiNbO3 optical grade
Shape | Cut | Dimensions | Polish |
Wafer | XZ | 3"x0.22mm | Two sides |
Wafer | XZ | 3"x0.5mm | Two sides |
Wafer | XZ | 100x1.0mm | Two sides |
Wafer | Y | 3"x0.6mm | Two sides |
Wafer | YZ | 100x1.0mm | Two sides |
Wafer | YX | 100x1.0mm | Two sides |
Wafer | ZY | 100x0.5mm | Two sides |
Wafer | ZX | 3"x1.0mm | Two sides |
LiNbO3 saw grade
Shape | Cut | Dimensions | Polish |
Wafer | Y/127,85° | 4"x0.5mm | One side polished |
Wafer | Y/127,85° | 100x1.0mm | One side polished |
Wafer | Y/127,85° | 100x0.22mm | One side polished |
Wafer | Z | 2"x1mm | Two side polished |
Wafer | Z | 2"x1mm | Two side polished |
MgO doped LiNbO3
MgO concentration | Shape | Cut | Dimensions | Polish |
5% | Wafer | Z | 2"x1.0 mm | Two sides |
5% | Wafer | Z | 3"x1.0 mm | Two sides |
5% | Wafer | Z | 3"x0.5 mm | Two sides |
LiNbO3 blocks and slabs
Block Y 40x10x1.5 mm Two sides polished
Block Y 48x15x1.5 mm Two sides polished
Block Y 48x30x1.5 mm Two sides polished
Slab Z 30x25x15 mm All sides polished
Slab Z 50x30x25 mm All sides polished
Slab Z 42x23x23 mm All sides polished
Slab Z 32x25x15 mm All sides polished
LiNbO3 boules are also available -
e-mail us
for details and quote
LiNbO3 optical grade |
Model | Product Name+ | Buy Now |
WA-LiNbO3-100-1 | LiNbO3 wafer, Z-cut, 100 mm x 1.0 mm, 2 sides polished |
![]() |
WA-LiNbO3-2-1 | LiNbO3 wafer, Z-cut, 2"x1.0 mm, stoichiometric |
![]() |
WA-LiNbO3-3-1 | LiNbO3 wafer, Z-cut, 3"x1.0 mm, 2 sides polished |
![]() |
WA-LiNbO3-3-2 | LiNbO3 wafer, Z-cut, 3"x2.0 mm, 2 sides polished |
![]() |
WA-LiNbO3-100-0.5 | LiNbO3 wafer, ø 100 mm, thickn. 0.5 mm |
![]() |
LiNbO3 saw grade |
Model | Product Name+ | Buy Now |
WA-LiNbO3-100-0.22 | LiNbO3 wafer, Y/127.85°-cut, 100 mm x 0.22 mm, one side polished |
![]() |
WA-LiNbO3-100-1 | LiNbO3 wafer, Y/127.85°-cut, 100 mm x 1.0 mm, one side polished |
![]() |
WA-LiNbO3-4-0.5 | LiNbO3 wafer, Y/127.85°-cut, 4"x0.5 mm, one side polished |
![]() |
WA-LiNbO3-3-0.5 | LiNbO3 wafer, Y/36-cut, 3"x0.5 mm, one side (+) polished |
![]() |
WA-LiNbO3-3-0.5 | LiNbO3 wafer, Y/36-cut, 3"x0.5 mm, one side (-) polished |
![]() |
MgO-LiNbO3 |
Model | Product Name+ | Buy Now |
WA-MgO-LiNbO3-3-1 | MgO-LiNbO3 wafer, Y-cut, 3"x1.0 mm, two sides polished |
![]() |
WA-MgO-LiNbO3-2-1 | MgO-LiNbO3 wafer, Z-cut, 2"x1.0 mm, two sides polished |
![]() |
WA-MgO-LiNbO3-3-1 | MgO-LiNbO3 wafer, Z-cut, 3"x1.0 mm, two sides polished |
![]() |
LiNbO3 related presentations during Optics and Photonics 2008
Modified sol-gel method for patterned lithium niobate thin film
preparation (Poster Presentation)
Paper 7056-41 of Conference 7056
Authors(s): Armen R. Poghosyan, Institute for Physical Research (Armenia); Ruyan
Guo, The Univ. of Texas at San Antonio (United States); Stepan G. Grigoryan,
Aleksandr L. Manukyan, Eduard S. Vardanyan, Institute for Physical Research
Date: Tuesday, 12 August 2008
Time: 8:00 PM
For the first time patterned single crystal LiNbO3 thin films and waveguide
devices have been successfully obtained by direct crystallization of precursor
(dried gel) pattern. These precursor (dried gel) thin film patterns were
prepared by two new related methods: from photosensitive sol-gel solution and by
etching LiNbO3 precursor film using photoresist. Unlike crystalline LiNbO3, the
precursor films are easily etched. When grown on a sapphire substrate and
properly annealed, the patterned precursor material becomes single crystal. The
developed method of production patterned lithium niobate thin films is the basis
for future integrated optical devices.
Ultraviolet-infrared laser-induced domain inversion in MgO-doped
congruent LiNbO3 and near stoichiometric LiTaO3 crystals (Paper Presentation)
Paper 7056-65 of Conference 7056
Authors(s): Ya'nan Zhi, Weijuan Qu, De'an Liu, Jianfeng Sun, Aimin Yan, Liren
Liu, Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics (China)
Date: Thursday, 14 August 2008
Time: 3:00 PM 3:30 PM
Laser-induced domain inversion is a promising technique for domain engineering
in LiNbO3 and LiTaO3. The ultraviolet-infrared laser induced domain inversions
in MgO:LiNbO3 and near stoichiometric LiTaO3 (NSLT) crystals are investigated
for the first time. The different reductions of nucleation field induced by the
focused ultraviolet-infrared laser irradiation are systematically investigated
in MgO:LiNbO3 crystals. The focused ultraviolet laser-induced ferroelectric
domain inversion in NSLT is also investigated. The double threshold effects of
laser-induced domain nucleation in both crystals are also observed. The results
support the solid proofs and feasible schemes for the further investigation of
laser-induced domain engineering in both crystals.
Generation of self-focused electron beam by pyroelectric/photogalvanic
crystal accelerators (Poster Presentation)
Paper 7056-68 of Conference 7056
Authors(s): Nickolai V. Kukhtarev, Alabama A&M Univ. (United States)
Date: Tuesday, 12 August 2008
Time: 8:00 PM
N.Kukhtarev, T.Kukhtareva, G.Stargell
Phys.Dep. Alabama A&M University, Normal (Huntsville) Al 35762,
V.B. Samoilov, Institute of Physics, NAS, Kiev, Ukraine
We have observed generation of the electron beam by the pyroelectric crystal
placed in the vacuum chamber. Different pyroelctric materials, Fe-doped LiNbO3
and L-alanine doped TGS crystals, were tested.
Heating/cooling cycles of the crystals in the vacuum (P~ 1-5 mTorr) produce
uncompensated surface charges and strong electric field (~ 100kV/cm) on the
polar crystal faces. These fringing fields ionize ambient gas and accelerate
electrons to high energies (~100 KeV). For photosensitive LiNbO3 crystal
electrical charging and generation of electrons may be done by laser
illumination, via photogalvanic effect. These generated electrons can be
detected by the fluorescent ZnS screen or by the X-rays produced by placing
copper plate in the electron beam.
Domain switching of congruent lithium niobate crystals with
surface modification (Poster Presentation)
Paper 7056-42 of Conference 7056
Authors(s): Armen R. Poghosyan, Eduard S. Vardanyan, Ira A. Ghambaryan,
Institute for Physical Research (Armenia)
Date: Tuesday, 12 August 2008
Time: 8:00 PM
This paper presents electric field domain switching experiments carried out on
congruent lithium niobate crystals with Li enriched surface layer. Li enrichment
of congruent lithium niobate surface has been made by sample annealing in
Li3NbO4 or LiNbO3:Li3NbO4 (1:1) powder during 0.5 or 1 h at 800oC. It was found
that the Li enrichment of congruent lithium niobate surface layer allows to
obtain a composition of surface layer very close to stoichiometry and has
enabled domain inversion with the lower electric field than in congruent
Maximized diffraction efficiency for integrated volume grating
instruments (Poster Presentation)
Paper 7056-53 of Conference 7056
Authors(s): Zhifang Chai, East China Normal Univ. (China)
Date: Tuesday, 12 August 2008
Time: 8:00 PM
In this paper the oscillatory characteristic of diffraction efficiency in
doubly-doped LiNbO3 crystals is used to reduce the loss of light intensity in
integrated instruments through considering the erased process by the sensitizing
light during the next grating recorded. The results show that a nearly 100%
diffraction can be obtained theoretically for each grating if the
refractive-index change is big enough. The number of integrated volume grating
depends on the cycles number of diffraction efficiency during recording
process. In the last, the material parameters are optimized to obtain more
oscillating cycles of diffraction efficiency during recording process.
Interferometric characterization of pyroelectrically activated
micro-arrays of liquid lenses in lithium niobate crystals (Paper Presentation)
Paper 7064-3 of Conference 7064
Authors(s): Simonetta Grilli, Lisa Miccio, Veronica Vespini, Pietro Ferraro,
Istituto Nazionale di Ottica Applicata (Italy)
Date: Wednesday, 13 August 2008
Time: 2:10 PM 2:30 PM
This paper reports about the possibility to achieve lensing effect by a
technique based on an open microfluidic system consisting of a tiny amount of
appropriate liquid manipulated by the pyroelectric effect onto periodically
poled LiNbO3 substrates. An electrowetting process is performed to actuate the
liquid film by using the surface charges generated pyroelectrically. The
configuration is electrode-less, thus improving the device flexibility and
easiness of fabrication. The curvature of the liquid lenses has been
characterized by an interferometric technique. The results showing the evolution
of the lens curvature with the temperature variation will be presented and
Single-beam phase conjugation for lasers phase locking in free
space and image formation (Paper Presentation)
Paper 7056-89 of Conference 7056
Authors(s): Nickolai V. Kukhtarev, Tatiana V. Kukhtareva, Michael J. Curley,
Gregory Stargell, Alabama A&M Univ. (United States)
Date: Wednesday, 13 August 2008
Time: 3:00 PM 3:20 PM
Single-beam phase conjugation (self-phase conjugation, or SPC) was observed in
the ferroelectric crystal LiNbO3:Fe using CW HeNe laser (wavelength 632 nm power
10- 36 mW). Effective out/in reflection coefficient of phase conjugation
(defined as the ratio the outpui phase-conjugated beam to the input laser beam
measured before optical elements) was about 30%. Two He-Ne lasers were phase
locked in free space using single-beam phase conjugation.
For some crystals efficient phase conjugation was followed by the simultaneous
generation of Fabry-Perot modes. Phase locking of two HeNe lasers and imaging of
the amplitude objects with help of self-phase conjugation was demonstrated.
Ultrahigh-sensitivity frequency-comb-referenced multiparametric
sensors based on 1D photonic components (Paper Presentation)
Paper 7056-17 of Conference 7056
Authors(s): Paolo De Natale, Gianluca Gagliardi, Pasquale Maddaloni, Pietro
Malara, Mario Salza, Pietro Ferraro, Istituto Nazionale di Ottica Applicata
Date: Wednesday, 13 August 2008
Time: 4:20 PM 4:40 PM
A novel generation of sensors of molecular concentration as well as of strain
and temperature is reported. Such devices, based on 1-D photonic structures,
rely on ultrastable laser sources referenced to a fiber-based
optical-frequency-comb synthesizer. In one system, coherent radiation around 3
micron wavelength, produced by frequency mixing in a periodically-poled LiNbO3
crystal, is used for high-sensitivity spectroscopic detection of trace gases.
The other device, based on fiber Bragg grating components, provides strain and
temperature sensing with extremely high sensitivities. These sensors can be
inserted in a multi-parametric network for real time and continuous monitoring
of volcanic areas.
Decoding software for computer instructions stored as Fourier
holograms into a LiNbO3:Fe crystal (Poster Presentation)
Paper 7072-52 of Conference 7072
Authors(s): Edmundo Rodriguez-Vázquez, Eduardo Tepichin-Rodriguez, Instituto
Nacional de Astrofísica, Óptica y Electrónica (Mexico)
Date: Wednesday, 13 August 2008
Time: 5:30 PM
In this work, is described a special software developed for decode computer
instructions; which are codified as information binary pages and are stored as
Fourier holograms into a LiNbO3:Fe photorefractive crystal. A sequential program
is conformed by these computer instructions, and it commands an electro-optical
system; which emulates a reprogrammable digital circuit. To execute each
computer instruction, the position of the crystal has to change; because of this
the holograms output images are not focusing in the same output plane. This
software solves the focusing problem with the implementation of a digital
spatial filter and some special criteria.
Multi-beam coupling in doubly-doped photorefractive LiNbO3:Fe:Mn
crystals (Poster Presentation)
Paper 7072-40 of Conference 7072
Authors(s): Cuixia Dai, Shanghai Univ. (China)
Date: Wednesday, 13 August 2008
Time: 5:30 PM